Monday, March 5, 2018

How To Tell If Your Business Is Being Tampered With.

Hi i am Nicholas Wheelock and i am an online business owner and a professional blogger. I have been blogging professionally for a little over nine years now. In this article i will explain to you how to know if Your online business Is tampered with.

1. You do not receive monthly or weekly emails that are important.

2. You are receiving traffic visits from a similar source that you are paying for but did not pay for and know nothing about.

3. A device you were doing business with recently crashed but was not due to a technical issue with the device.

4. You receive unusual views to a source that is not suppose to exist.

5. You search your site over and over again and it doesn't load right overtime of searching.

6. Content or images you did not post receives excessive traffic attention.

7. You receive excessive login security alerts to social media accounts.

8. You are enable to focus and are tripped up when you walk places and you are screamed at by a technology of some kind.

9. People you know and meet show little interest in your business and what you do. And no one takes your business seriously.

10. Your business is not making money or products are not being purchased. If non profit lack of donations after receiving a massive amount of traffic.